African People and Wildlife Fund, Bernardsville, NJ
$40,000 as the first installment for conserving African Elephants in Tanzania’s Greater Mkomazi Landscape
Blackfoot Challenge, Ovando, MT
$50,000 as the first installment for innovations for living with wolves
Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, MA
$50,000 as the final installment for Atlantic Salmon and river restoration in Maine
Defenders of Wildlife, Washington, DC
$20,000 for a marking campaign to save the Pinyon Jay
Fauna and Flora International USA, Inc, Washington DC
$40,000 as the first installment for building sustainable capacity to protect sturgeon
Indiana Forest Alliance, Inc, Indianapolis, IN
$40,000 for efforts to save the Eastern Hellbender
International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, WI
$25,000 as the final installment for understanding Whopping Crane use of new geographic areas and alternative habitats to species recovery
International Snow Leopard Trust, Seattle, WA
$30,000 as the first installment to investigate space use and activity patterns of Ibex
International Union for Conservation of Nature, US, Washington, DC
$12,000 to help publish a comprehensive assessment of freshwater fishes
NatureServe, Arlington, VA
$75,000 as the final installment for the Conservation Status Review Project
Oikonos – Ecosystem Knowledge, Kailua, HI
$40,000 to build capacity for ceramic nest production
Wild Earth Allies, Chevy Chase, MD
$50,000 as the first installment to continue protecting endangered hawkbill sea turtles and their habits in El Salvador
World Wildlife Fund, Inc, Washington, DC
$50,000 as the first installment for catalyzing co-existence to recover Black-Footed Ferrets