American Bird Conservancy, The Plains, VA
$45,000 as a first installment for creating structurally diverse, healthy forest to benefit Golden-winged Warblers, Cerulean Warblers, and Wood Thrush in Pennsylvania and New York
Billion Oyster Project, New York, NY
$50,000 as a final installment for Oyster Monitoring & Health Testing
Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, MA
$50,000 as a first installment for the Campaign to Protect and Restore the North Atlantic Right Whale
Defenders of Wildlife, Washington, DC
$50,000 for Protecting North Atlantic Right Whales
Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Bristol, PA
$40,000 to prevent Atlantic Sturgeon Extinction from the Delaware River
Delaware Wild Lands, Inc, Odessa, DE
$18,000 as a final installment for Wood Duck Conservation Initiative
Downeast Salmon Federation, Columbia Falls, ME
$75,000 for returning endangered Atlantic Salmon to the East Machias and Narraguagus Rivers
Ducks Unlimited, Inc, Memphis, TN
$50,000 as a final installment for Herring River Restoration: Conserving Nesting Habitat for Saltmarsh Sparrows
Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries, Stonington, ME
$55,000 for the River Herring Networks: Supporting Stewardship and Sustainability of a Keystone Species for our New England Coastal Communities
Mass Audubon, Lincoln, MA
$35,000 as a first installment for connecting salt marsh restoration to Saltmarsh Sparrow conservation
National Marine Life Center, Buzzards Bay, MA
$75,000 for infrastructure upgrades to the Sea Turtle Grant program
NatureServe, Arlington, VA
$55,000 as a first installment for conserving aquatic insects in the Northeast
New Jersey Audubon Society, Bernardsville, NJ
$65,000 for the Horseshoe Crab recovery coalition research
New York City Audubon Society Inc, New York, NY
$50,000 as a final payment for saving at-risk wading birds in New York Harbor: Black-crowned Night Heron and Glossy Ibis
The Research Foundation for SUNY at SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry, Albany, NY
$60,000 as the final installment for using non-invasive survey methods to monitor endangered turtles
Seabird Institute, Bremen, Me
$60,000 as the final installment for sustaining Maine’s Atlantic Puffins by ensuring responsible offshore wind development
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Foundation, Honolulu, HI
$50,000 as the first installment for Reducing Whale Entanglements in New England Pot & Trap Fisheries
Van Cortlandt Park Alliance, Bronx, NY
$25,000 as a final installment for a Mature Hardwood Forest
Westmoreland Sanctuary, Mt. Kisco, NY
$13,500 as a final installment for enriching local habitat and protecting the wood turtle, American elm, and eastern box turtle
Zoo New England, Boston, MA
$75,000 as a first installment for protecting Diamond-Backed Terrpins in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts