American Bird Conservancy, The Plains, VA
$45,000 as the final installment for creating structurally diverse, healthy forest to benefit Golden-winged Warblers, Cerulean Warblers, and Wood Thrush in Pennsylvania and New York
American Farmland Trust, Washington, DC
$100,000 for prioritizing Farmlands for Bumblebee Conservation
Audubon Society of New Hampshire, Concord, NH
$40,000 as the first installment for Beyond Borders: Monarch Nanotagging
Cancer Care, Inc, New York, NY
$35,000 for Connect Education Workshop and Fact Sheets on Vision Concerns Related to a Cancer Diagnosis
Center for Wildlife Studies, Camden, ME
$40,000 for novel application of chemical analysis for turtle conservation in the northeast
Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, MA
$50,000 as the final installment for the Campaign to Protect and Restore the North Atlantic Right Whale
Defenders of Wildlife, Washington, DC
$50,000 for Protecting North Atlantic Right Whales
Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Bristol, PA
$50,000 to prevent Atlantic Sturgeon Extinction from the Delaware River
Ducks Unlimited, Inc, Memphis, TN
$75,000 as the first installment for the Wells Harbor Thin Layer Placement Project – Piloting a New Approach to Restoring Habitat for Saltmarsh and Nelson’s Sparrows
Foundation Fighting Blindness, Columbia, MD
$100,000 as the final installment for Universal Rare Gene Study (“Uni’Rare”): A Registry and Natural History Study of Retinal Dystrophies Associated with Rare Disease-Causing Genetic Variants
Fund for the City of New York f/b/o Freshkills Park Alliance/Freshkills Biological Station, New York, NY
$35,000 as the first installment for returning the Regal Fritillary Butterfly to New York
Future in Sight, Concord, NH
$50,000 for programs to support youth living with severe vision impairment
Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute, Gloucester, MA
$23,000 for evaluating the effects of offshore wind development on fisheries using eDNA
Leader Dogs for the Blind, Rochester Hills, MI
$50,000 for Guide Dog Training in the Northeast
Manomet Conservation Sciences, Manomet, MA
$43,920 as the first installment for investigating the connection between horseshoe crabs and at-risk shorebirds in New England
Marine Conservation Institute, Seattle, WA
$50,000 as the first installment for improving conservation outcomes of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument for endangered leatherback sea turtles
Mass Audubon, Lincoln, MA
$35,000 as the final installment for connecting salt marsh restoration to Saltmarsh Sparrow conservation
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
$25,000 for access programs for people who are blind or low vision
National Marine Life Center, Buzzards Bay, MA
$75,000 for increasing capacity for endangered Sea Turtle rehabilitation
National Wildlife Federation, Reston, VA
$75,000 as the first installment for engaging Tribes and Indigenous Partners to Advance Animal Conservation in the Northeast
Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Curbing Toxic Pesticides to Save Pollinators in the Northeast
NatureServe, Arlington, VA
$55,000 as the final installment for conserving aquatic insects in the Northeast
Notre Dame Academy, Worcester, MA
$65,000 for safety and security upgrades on the NDA campus
Oak Hill, Hartford, CT
$30,000 for Oak Hill’s Integrated Center
Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA
$50,000 as the first installment for Perkins Academy
Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence, RI
$35,000 for Saving the American Burying Beetle through Husbandry Expansion
Rutgers University Foundation, New Brunswick, NJ
$100,000 for Eye2Eye Peer Support Program for Vision Loss
Safe Toddles, Inc, Fishkill, NY
$40,000 as the first installment for Start with Safe Mobility: A Safety-First Approach to Blind Toddler Development
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
$25,000 for Mind’s Eye
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Foundation, Honolulu, HI
$50,000 as the final installment for Reducing Whale Entanglements in New England Pot & Trap Fisheries
Usher 1F Collaborative, Newtonville, MA
$50,000 as the final installment to support Dr. David Corey’s continued work advancing gene therapy as a treatment for Usher 1F
Visions Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Residential Rehabilitation & Recreation Program for Children Who are Blind
Wildlife Conservation Society, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for the New York Seascape Program: Shark Research Program
Xerces Society, Inc, Portland, OR
$75,000 as the first installment for conserving the Jewels of the Night in the Northeastern United States
Zoo New England, Boston, MA
$75,000 as the final installment for protecting Diamond-Backed Terrapins in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts