Ira W. DeCamp Foundation


The DeCamp Foundation was established in 1970 by Elizabeth DeCamp McInery in memory of her late husband Ira W. DeCamp. Over the past 20 years, the DeCamp Foundation’s grantmaking has supported a wide array of organizations within three major program areas: community-based health, workforce development and foster care. Grants exclusively support work in the New York metropolitan area.

Funding Interests:
The foundation’s grantmaking currently focuses on three areas: community-based health care, foster care, workforce development.

Community Health grants will support community health centers (primarily federally qualified health centers) and select primary care providers in the metropolitan area. The contact person for this initiative is Lindsey Crane,

Funding will be provided for:

  • capacity building (e.g., leadership development, staff training and improving fundraising or other key resources);
  • organization improvement activities (e.g., strategic planning; markets, operations and systems analysis; performance measurement and process improvement); and
  • capital projects (e.g., renovations, new space acquisition and development, information technology and infrastructure enhancements).

The foundation’s Foster Care Grants Program seeks to support programs in the metropolitan area that address one or more of the following:

  1. Programs designed to support service linkages and partnerships with different service providers within the child welfare community (e.g., substance abuse, domestic violence, mental health and housing).
  2. Training and strategies to recruit and retain qualified caseworkers and front-line staff at foster care agencies.
  3. Recruitment, training, and support for caregivers, including foster parents and kinship caregivers.
  4. Services for older and transition age youth, including education, job training, and independent living skills, with a focus on innovative and youth-driven programming.
  5. Services for special populations such lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.
  6. Policy and advocacy efforts around issues such as (but not limited to) housing for youth in foster care, legal support for youth in care, updating the foster care rate-setting methodology and sustaining quality-assurance programs.

The contact person for this program is Lindsey Crane,

Workforce Development grants will support workforce development organizations (including intermediaries) in the metropolitan area. The contact person for this initiative is Lindsey Crane,

Funding will be provided for:

  1. Capacity building (infrastructure investments that enable the organization to expand, sustain and manage its services more effectively).
  2. Program development (investments in new aspects of the program that will enhance the training and placement experience.
  3. Research and evaluation (to understand the impact of job training programs and of public policy in this area). Note: preference will be given to job training organizations that offer hard skills and life skills training; have support services available to trainees; focus on placing adults in full-time competitive employment; provide post-placement support; and collect data about graduation, placement, starting salaries and retention.
  4. Organizations receiving two or more consecutive years of funding are required to take at least one year off before reapplying (Only applies to Workforce Development applicants).

Geographic Focus:
New York City

No grants are made to individuals, private foundations, or for matching gifts or loans. No grants are made to endowments, scholarships, or fellowships.

Organizations must be classified by the Internal Revenue Service as public charities and tax-exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Grant Cycle:
The annual submission deadline for all program areas is July 15. Decisions are made in the fall, with funds awarded by the end of October.

Type of Support:
Capacity-building, project, and capital (see guidelines for each program area).

JPMorgan Chase Relationship:
Sole Trustee

How to Apply:
If after reading the Funding Interest guidelines you find a fit with your organization, please review our application procedures and submit your application online.


Please include the following items in your organization’s request:

1. Proposal (maximum of three pages, 12 pt font, normal margins) which includes:

a. Overview of the organization (i.e., primary goals, needs or problems being addressed, population served)
b. Description of the project for which you are seeking support

i. Statement of purpose and the needs being addressed by the project
ii. Population served and how they will benefit from the project
iii. Project timeline/anticipated project duration

c. Brief biography of the executive director and key project staff

2. Project budget

a. If it is a two-year request, please include a two-year projected budget
b. Include a list of foundation, corporate and other support applied to the budget

3. Current fiscal year organizational budget

a. Also include a projected budget for upcoming year (if available)
b. Indicate if the organization has an endowment

i. Quote the most recent value of the corpus
ii. Indicate if the funds are permanently restricted or board restricted

4. List of foundation and corporate supporters

a. Include a list of funders for the current fiscal year
b. Also provide a list from the most recently completed fiscal year
c. Include foundation and corporation names and amounts

5. Most recently completed audited financial statements.

6. List of board members

a. Include professional affiliations (employer)
b. Include length of board service

Please note:
All applications to the
Ira W. DeCamp Foundation
must be submitted online.

Total Contributions in 2024: $4,277,500

ADAPT Community Network, New York, NY
$35,000 to obtain Accessible Dental Equipment for People with Disabilities

Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, New York, NY
$100,000 as the first installment for Callen-Lorde Bronx Capital Expansion

Care for the Homeless, New York, NY
$100,000 as the first installment for Pathway to Coverage: Health Access Initiative

Catholic Managed Long Term Care, Inc, New York, NY
$100,000 to support the construction of the clinic in the new Harlem PACE center

Community Health Care Association of New York State, Inc, New York, NY
$100,000 as the final installment for infrastructure upgrades and improved technology

Grameen America, Jackson Heights, NY
$50,000 to support the capacity building and improvement of the Grameen Promotoras program in New York City

Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor of the City of New York, Bronx, NY
$60,000 to replace flooring in the Jeanne Jugan Residence

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
$60,000 as the first installment for East Harlem Health Outreach Program (EHHOP)

The Kaleidoscope Foundation, New York, NY
$25,000 for Pilot at South Bronx Literacy Academy

New York Foundling Hospital, New York, NY
$100,000 for Expanding Access to Primary Care

New York School-Based Health Foundation, New York, NY
$100,000 for Leveraging Data to Expand Access & Equity in Healthcare to the Student Patients of New York’s School-Based Health Center

Primary Care Development Corporation, New York, NY
$50,000 to Expanding Impact Evaluation for the Primary Care Development Corporation

Project Renewal, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Addressing New York City’s Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis: Psychiatric Social Health Technician Training

Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for Helpline Coordinator, Per Diem Hourly Staff, and paid outreach/advertising

Advocates for Children of New York, Inc, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Project Achieve

Anthos Home, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Aftercare Services for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: Capacity Building and Program Enhancement

At the Table, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for the College Tutoring Program

Catholic Charities Community Services Archdiocese of New York, New York, NY
$50,000 for Life Skills Program for Unaccompanied Children

Center for New York City Affairs, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment for the Child Welfare Watch

Children's Aid Society, New York, NY
$60,000 as the first installment for the Supporting the Fostering Youth Success Alliance

Children’s Rights, New York, NY
$25,000 for Centering Lived Experience to Strengthen Support for New York Children and Families

Children's Village, Dobbs Ferry, NY
$75,000 for Families Supporting Teens (FaST)

City Living New York, New York, NY
$75,000 for City Living NY: Housing Support Program

Community Foundation of New Jersey, Morristown, NJ
$125,000 as the first installment for Youth and Families Forward

Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies, New York, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for Growing Together: Support Children Welfare Workers

Court Appointed Special Advocates – NYC, New York, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for the youth transitioning from care project

The Door - A Center of Alternatives, Inc, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment The Door’s legal services for foster care involved youth In NYC

Fostering Change For Children, Rocky Point, NY
$50,000 as the first installment for the Children's Corps – Caseworker Employment Initiative

Fostering Media Connections, Los Angeles, CA
$25,000 for Ensuring a Voice for New York’s Foster Youth

Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$125,000 as the first installment for the Center for Fair Futures capacity-building

Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment for the NYC Family Policy Project to support a Parent-Led Research and Advocacy Project to Accelerate NYC’s shift to “Support, Not Report” Families

Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$50,000 Power of 2’s program, Fostering Relationships

Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$75,000 for Rise’s Parent Advocate System transformation program

Graham Windham, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for the Family Success Initiative

Hearts to Homes Furnishings, Yonkers, NY
$35,000 for Housewarmings for Foster Youth

MercyFirst, Syosset, NY
$35,000 for the Enhanced Family Foster Care and Family Support Services Queen Renovation

Mobilization for Justice, Inc, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment to support the Kinship Caregiver Law Project

Rising Ground, Brooklyn, NY
$100,000 as the first installment for the Co-Parenting Program

You Gotta Believe! The Older Child Adoption & Permanency Movement (YGB), Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for general operating support

Youth Communication New York Center, Inc, New York, NY
$60,000 as the final installment for Youth Communication's foster care project

The Andromeda Community Initiative (ACI), Long Island City, NY
$50,000 as the final installment for a full-time job developer for the CCPP Program

Bronx Works, Bronx, NY
$75,000 as the first installment to The BronxWorks Healthcare Career Training Program for Disconnected Youth

Building Skills NY, New York, NY
$62,500 for Scaling Job Placement Services through Sustainable Employer Relations Strategies

Center for an Urban Future, New York, NY
$50,000 for Scaling up New York City’s Most Effective Workforce Development Programs

Commonpoint Queens, Little Neck, NY
$75,000 for the Expansion of the Electrical Training Program

Coro New York Leadership Center, New York, NY
$60,000 as the final installment for Coro’s Workforce Systems Leadership Program (WSLP)

Drive Change, Brooklyn, NY
$50,000 for Capacity-Building through Technological Infrastructure

The Eagle Academy Foundation, New York, NY
$75,000 for The Eagle Academy Foundation x Turner Construction Apprenticeship Program

Eden II, Staten Island, NY
$40,000 for Bridge to Employment: Phase 2 – a pathway for workforce equity and support for under-served populations

FJC, New York, NY
$75,000 for Shared Lane to Expand Pathways to Workforce Training

Footsteps, Inc, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Footsteps Proposal to Ira W. DeCamp Foundation July 2024

Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$85,000 for the New York City Employment and Training Coalition’s Workforce Impact Tracking Initiative: Improving Access to Good Jobs through Data-Driven Insights

Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey, Inc, Brooklyn, NY
$125,000 as the first installment to hire a FT VP of Employer and Corporate Partnerships

Grace Institute, New York, NY
$80,000 as the final installment for Social Work Support for Career-Ready Training

The Hope Program, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for HOPE/POTS Partnership to Expand Workforce Programming to a New Community in the Bronx

Hot Bread Kitchen, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Investing the Culinary Workforce Development for Women of Color: Employer Partnerships and Evaluation Capacity Building

JobsFirst NYC, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment for general operating support

The New York Community Trust, New York, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for the New York City Workforce Development Fund

New York Foundling, New York, NY
$50,000 for the Bring Up Minimum Pay Initiative

Pursuit, Long Island City, NY
$60,000 as the first installment for Strengthening the Fellowship Program

St. Nicks Alliance, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for the Hire of a Director of Technology & Innovation

Solar One, Long Island City, NY
$60,000 as the first installment to support the Community Engagement Green Workforce Externship

Workforce Professionals Training Institute, New York, NY
$60,000 as the first installment for General Operating Support

Contact Information

All application materials must be submitted online.

Grant recipients should address receipts and reports to: The Ira W. DeCamp Foundation,

Contacts for the specific initiative are: