Emma A. Sheafer Charitable Trust 

New Guidelines

The Emma A. Sheafer Charitable Trust provides capacity-building support to performing arts organizations located in New York City.

To enhance the chances of success for applicants, the Trust has implemented a new approach wherein organizations are encouraged to apply based on their primary focus area, which includes dance, theater, or music. Each year, the Trust designates a specific focus area for applications cycling through theater, dance, and music, accordingly. Thus, in 2024 theater organizations are invited to apply. Dance organizations are invited to apply in 2025 followed by music organizations in 2026. The cycle returns to theater organizations in 2027 and continues onward.

If an organization operates within multiple performing arts categories or identifies as a different type of performing arts organization, we invite you to apply under the appropriate year that most aligns with your work.

Funding Interests:
Performing arts organizations with an annual operating budget less than or equal to $1,000,000 as of the last fiscal year.

Type of Support:
Grants are provided for capacity-building support and small-scale capital projects. Support is not provided for commissions, programs, or project-related requests. Grants may be single year or two-year commitments, and are typically $15,000 – $30,000 annually.

Geographic Focus:
New York City

A minimum of three years must elapse between grant awards, calculated from the last fund distribution date. No grants are made to individuals, private foundations, governmental organizations, or for matching gifts or loans.

Organizations must be classified by the Internal Revenue Service as public charities and tax-exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Grant Cycle:
The annual application deadline is August 1. Grant notifications and awards are sent to all applicants in November.


Please include the following items in your organization’s request:

1. Proposal (maximum of three pages, 12 pt font, normal margins) which includes:

a. Overview of the organization (i.e., primary goals, needs or problems being addressed, population served)
b. Description of the project for which you are seeking support

i. Statement of purpose and the needs being addressed by the project
ii. Population served and how they will benefit from the project
iii. Project timeline/anticipated project duration

c. Brief biography of the executive director and key project staff

2. Project budget

a. If it is a two-year request, please include a two-year projected budget
b. Include a list of foundation, corporate and other support applied to the budget

3. Current fiscal year organizational budget

a. Also include a projected budget for upcoming year (if available)
b. Indicate if the organization has an endowment

i. Quote the most recent value of the corpus
ii. Indicate if the funds are permanently restricted or board restricted

4. List of foundation and corporate supporters

a. Include a list of funders for the current fiscal year
b. Also provide a list from the most recently completed fiscal year
c. Include foundation and corporation names and amounts

5. List of board members

a. Include professional affiliations (employer)
b. Include length of board service


Please note:
All applications to the
Emma A. Sheafer Charitable Trust
must be submitted online.


Total Contributions in 2023: $350,000

Braata Productions, St. Albans, NY
$30,250 as a first installment for Marketing & Programming Director

Choral Chameleon Inc, Bronx, NY
$25,000 as a final installment for hiring an Education Director

Dance Entropy Inc, Long Island City, NY
$25,000 for full time Company Manager

Dancing in the Streets, New York, NY
$30,000 as a first installment to support a new PT Artistic and Program Director and Rehearsal Captain and to support salary raises

Gallim Dance Company Inc, Brooklyn, NY
$30,000 as a final installment for Health Care Benefits for GALLIM Staff

Heartbeat Opera, New York, NY
$24,500 to strength Heartbeat’s Organizational Marketing Capacity

Houses on the Moon Theater Company, New York, NY
$15,000 as a final installment for hiring an Education Coordinator

Moliere in the Park, Brooklyn, NY
$15,000 as a first installment for a PT Administrative Assistant and a Marketing and Development Manager

Multicultural Music Group Inc, Bronx, NY
$25,000 as a final installment for administrative capacity building

Oye Group, Ridgewood, NY
$25,000 as a first installment to hire a PT Executive Director

Prospect Theater Company, New York, NY
$30,000 as a first installment to hire a FT Artistic Associate

Superhero Clubhouse, Brooklyn, NY
$25,000 as a final installment to hire a Development Manager

Teatro Circulo, New York, NY
$20,000 as a final installment to help bring Director of Development and Director of Marketing positions from part-time to full-time

Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY
$30,250 for Triskelion Arts Theatrical Equipment Upgrades

Contact Information

All application materials must be submitted online. All correspondence, including receipts and reports, should be addressed to the appropriate contact person.

E-mail: Lindsey Crane, lindsey.s.crane@jpmorgan.com
             Cheryl Anhava, cheryl.b.anhava@jpmorgan.com