Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for Helpline Coordinator, Per Diem Hourly Staff, and paid outreach/advertising
Advocates for Children of New York, Inc, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Project Achieve
Anthos Home, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Aftercare Services for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: Capacity Building and Program Enhancement
At the Table, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for the College Tutoring Program
Catholic Charities Community Services Archdiocese of New York, New York, NY
$50,000 for Life Skills Program for Unaccompanied Children
Center for New York City Affairs, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment for the Child Welfare Watch
Children's Aid Society, New York, NY
$60,000 as the first installment for the Supporting the Fostering Youth Success Alliance
Children’s Rights, New York, NY
$25,000 for Centering Lived Experience to Strengthen Support for New York Children and Families
Children's Village, Dobbs Ferry, NY
$75,000 for Families Supporting Teens (FaST)
City Living New York, New York, NY
$75,000 for City Living NY: Housing Support Program
Community Foundation of New Jersey, Morristown, NJ
$125,000 as the first installment for Youth and Families Forward
Council of Family and Child Caring Agencies, New York, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for Growing Together: Support Children Welfare Workers
Court Appointed Special Advocates – NYC, New York, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for the youth transitioning from care project
The Door - A Center of Alternatives, Inc, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment The Door’s legal services for foster care involved youth In NYC
Fostering Change For Children, Rocky Point, NY
$50,000 as the first installment for the Children's Corps – Caseworker Employment Initiative
Fostering Media Connections, Los Angeles, CA
$25,000 for Ensuring a Voice for New York’s Foster Youth
Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$125,000 as the first installment for the Center for Fair Futures capacity-building
Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment for the NYC Family Policy Project to support a Parent-Led Research and Advocacy Project to Accelerate NYC’s shift to “Support, Not Report” Families
Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$50,000 Power of 2’s program, Fostering Relationships
Fund for the City of New York, New York, NY
$75,000 for Rise’s Parent Advocate System transformation program
Graham Windham, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for the Family Success Initiative
Hearts to Homes Furnishings, Yonkers, NY
$35,000 for Housewarmings for Foster Youth
MercyFirst, Syosset, NY
$35,000 for the Enhanced Family Foster Care and Family Support Services Queen Renovation
Mobilization for Justice, Inc, New York, NY
$50,000 as the first installment to support the Kinship Caregiver Law Project
Rising Ground, Brooklyn, NY
$100,000 as the first installment for the Co-Parenting Program
You Gotta Believe! The Older Child Adoption & Permanency Movement (YGB), Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the final installment for general operating support
Youth Communication New York Center, Inc, New York, NY
$60,000 as the final installment for Youth Communication's foster care project