Sarah K. de Coizart Perpetual Charitable Trust


The Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust was established in 1992 under Mrs. de Coizart’s Will. Annual distributions from the Trust are managed by JP Morgan Chase Bank.

Funding Interests

The Trust supports a range of species conservation projects, including the protection of ecologically important areas with a specific species impact. Competitive applications will focus on the impact on a particular endangered or at-risk animal species.

Grants are exclusively for project support and range in size from $20,000 to $75,000 a year. Multi-year commitments will be considered. Priority will be given to projects focused on the tri-state area and New England.

Grants in the area of blindness and vision impairments include a broad range of services and research. Service-related grants may include expansion of existing services, implementation of new efforts and improvements of infrastructure to facilitate services. No grants will be considered to substitute lost government funding. Priority will be given to programs serving the Northeast United States. Research grants will primarily be considered through disease associations or other intermediaries with re-granting programs guided by scientific advisory committees. Preference will be given to efforts that support emerging research talent, innovative treatment or early detection studies.

Grants will focus exclusively on project support and will range in size from $20,000 to $50,000 per year. Multi-year commitments will be considered.

Geographic Focus:
For species conservation: the Northeast region of the United States

For blindness-related services and research: the Northeast region of the United States

No grants are made to individuals or for matching gifts or loans.

Organizations must be classified by the Internal Revenue Service as public charities and tax-exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Grant Information:
Grants range in size from $20,000 to $75,000 per year. Multi-year requests are considered.

Grant Cycle:
The annual proposal deadline is October 1. Grants are made in January.

Type of Support:

JPMorgan Chase Relationship:


Please include the following items in your organization’s request:

1. Proposal (maximum of three pages, 12 pt. font, normal margins) which includes:

a. Overview of the organization (i.e., primary goals, needs or problems being addressed, population served)
b. Description of the project for which you are seeking support

i. Statement of purpose and the needs being addressed by the project
ii. Population served and how they will benefit from the project
iii. Project timeline/anticipated project duration

c. Brief biography of the executive director and key project staff

2. Project budget

a. If it is a two-year request, please include a two-year projected budget
b. Include a list of foundation, corporate and other support applied to the budget

3. Current fiscal year organizational budget

a. Also include a projected budget for upcoming year (if available)
b. Indicate if the organization has an endowment

i. Quote the most recent value of the corpus
ii. Indicate if the funds are permanently restricted or board restricted

4. List of foundation and corporate supporters

a. Include a list of funders for the current fiscal year
b. Also provide a list from the most recently completed fiscal year
c. Include foundation and corporation names and amounts

5. Most recently completed audited financial statements

6. List of board members

a. Include affiliations (employer)
b. Include years of service

Please note:
All applications to the
Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust
must be submitted online.

Total Contributions in 2025: $1,921,920

American Bird Conservancy, The Plains, VA
$45,000 as the final installment for creating structurally diverse, healthy forest to benefit Golden-winged Warblers, Cerulean Warblers, and Wood Thrush in Pennsylvania and New York

American Farmland Trust, Washington, DC
$100,000 for prioritizing Farmlands for Bumblebee Conservation

Audubon Society of New Hampshire, Concord, NH
$40,000 as the first installment for Beyond Borders: Monarch Nanotagging

Cancer Care, Inc, New York, NY
$35,000 for Connect Education Workshop and Fact Sheets on Vision Concerns Related to a Cancer Diagnosis

Center for Wildlife Studies, Camden, ME
$40,000 for novel application of chemical analysis for turtle conservation in the northeast

Conservation Law Foundation, Boston, MA
$50,000 as the final installment for the Campaign to Protect and Restore the North Atlantic Right Whale

Defenders of Wildlife, Washington, DC
$50,000 for Protecting North Atlantic Right Whales

Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Bristol, PA
$50,000 to prevent Atlantic Sturgeon Extinction from the Delaware River

Ducks Unlimited, Inc, Memphis, TN
$75,000 as the first installment for the Wells Harbor Thin Layer Placement Project – Piloting a New Approach to Restoring Habitat for Saltmarsh and Nelson’s Sparrows

Foundation Fighting Blindness, Columbia, MD
$100,000 as the final installment for Universal Rare Gene Study (“Uni’Rare”): A Registry and Natural History Study of Retinal Dystrophies Associated with Rare Disease-Causing Genetic Variants

Fund for the City of New York f/b/o Freshkills Park Alliance/Freshkills Biological Station, New York, NY
$35,000 as the first installment for returning the Regal Fritillary Butterfly to New York

Future in Sight, Concord, NH
$50,000 for programs to support youth living with severe vision impairment

Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute, Gloucester, MA
$23,000 for evaluating the effects of offshore wind development on fisheries using eDNA

Leader Dogs for the Blind, Rochester Hills, MI
$50,000 for Guide Dog Training in the Northeast

Manomet Conservation Sciences, Manomet, MA
$43,920 as the first installment for investigating the connection between horseshoe crabs and at-risk shorebirds in New England

Marine Conservation Institute, Seattle, WA
$50,000 as the first installment for improving conservation outcomes of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument for endangered leatherback sea turtles

Mass Audubon, Lincoln, MA
$35,000 as the final installment for connecting salt marsh restoration to Saltmarsh Sparrow conservation

Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
$25,000 for access programs for people who are blind or low vision

National Marine Life Center, Buzzards Bay, MA
$75,000 for increasing capacity for endangered Sea Turtle rehabilitation

National Wildlife Federation, Reston, VA
$75,000 as the first installment for engaging Tribes and Indigenous Partners to Advance Animal Conservation in the Northeast

Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Curbing Toxic Pesticides to Save Pollinators in the Northeast

NatureServe, Arlington, VA
$55,000 as the final installment for conserving aquatic insects in the Northeast

Notre Dame Academy, Worcester, MA
$65,000 for safety and security upgrades on the NDA campus

Oak Hill, Hartford, CT
$30,000 for Oak Hill’s Integrated Center

Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA
$50,000 as the first installment for Perkins Academy

Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence, RI
$35,000 for Saving the American Burying Beetle through Husbandry Expansion

Rutgers University Foundation, New Brunswick, NJ
$100,000 for Eye2Eye Peer Support Program for Vision Loss

Safe Toddles, Inc, Fishkill, NY
$40,000 as the first installment for Start with Safe Mobility: A Safety-First Approach to Blind Toddler Development

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
$25,000 for Mind’s Eye

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Foundation, Honolulu, HI
$50,000 as the final installment for Reducing Whale Entanglements in New England Pot & Trap Fisheries

Usher 1F Collaborative, Newtonville, MA
$50,000 as the final installment to support Dr. David Corey’s continued work advancing gene therapy as a treatment for Usher 1F

Visions Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, New York, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for Residential Rehabilitation & Recreation Program for Children Who are Blind

Wildlife Conservation Society, Brooklyn, NY
$75,000 as the first installment for the New York Seascape Program: Shark Research Program

Xerces Society, Inc, Portland, OR
$75,000 as the first installment for conserving the Jewels of the Night in the Northeastern United States

Zoo New England, Boston, MA
$75,000 as the final installment for protecting Diamond-Backed Terrapins in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts

Contact Information

All application materials must be submitted online.

Grant receipts and reports should be addressed to

Other questions should be addressed to:
Carolyn Winter, Program Officer,
Lindsey Crane, Program Officer,
Cheryl Anhava, Program Officer,