Above view of a two confident business persons sitting on a conference table in the office and sharing ideas. Businessman and businesswoman in meeting using laptop and discussing business strategy. Business coworkers working together in the office.


Adam Ludman

Tax Strategy, J.P. Morgan Private Advisory

Jordan Sprechman

Practice Lead, U.S. Wealth Advisory

What you owe in taxes is not set in stone. Rather, it’s influenced by a number of fluid factors, including your state of residence, age, charitable and gift-giving activities, and whether you can (and do) benefit from available tax breaks.

That’s why we suggest you meet with your tax advisors as soon as possible to:

  • Finalize your 2024 U.S. tax returns
  • Confirm your plan to fund tax payments
  • Plan for 2025’s changing tax landscape

Here are 13 potential tax-optimization strategies you may want to explore with your professional advisors.

Finalize your 2024 U.S. tax returns

It’s not too late to lower your 2024 taxes. Consider taking one or more of these five actions before the April filing date: 

If you had earned income in 2024, you can make contributions to your individual retirement accounts (IRAs) for the 2024 tax year up until the deadline for filing your return (usually April 15), not including extensions.

Traditional IRA: You can contribute up to $7,000 (or up to $8,000 if you were 50 years or older in 2024). Moreover, those contributions are potentially deductible. Even if they are not, they may be used for conversions to Roth IRAs and possibly doubled, even for non-working spouses.

Roth IRA: You may be able to make non-deductible contributions up to these same limits. This benefits you because all growth, and future distributions, will generally be tax-free.1

SEP or SIMPLE IRA: If you own a business that offers a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan or a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (commonly known as a SIMPLE IRA), you have a grace period for making contributions to those accounts based on the due date of the business’s or employer’s tax return, including extensions.

Generally, trustees and executors have until March 6, 2025 to distribute income to beneficiaries if they wish to have those distributions treated for tax purposes as if they were made in 2024.

If a trustee has discretion over whether or not to make a distribution, their decision must be informed, always, by the terms of the trust, the trust’s income and transfer tax characteristics, and the beneficiary’s best interests. 

Only after weighing these factors should a trustee decide whether a distribution makes economic sense – as it often does. The marginal U.S. income tax rate for many trust beneficiaries, even for some whose income exceeds $500,000, is often well below the top tax rate of 37% (that’s generally the rate the trust would pay, as the top tax rate on trust income – also 37% – applies to income over around $15,000).2

Several years ago, the Internal Revenue Service issued a notice that it intends to issue regulations exempting pass-through entities (e.g., partnerships and S corporations) from the $10,000 deductibility cap on state and local taxes (SALT) at the entity level.3

Check your state’s laws or speak with your tax professional if you have a pass-through entity to determine whether or not you can and should elect to use this deduction. (Not all entities can or would want to make this election.) Many states require these generally annual elections to be made by March 15 for calendar-year partnerships, and these elections are ordinarily only applicable for the tax year when the election is made.

Keep in mind that potential changes in law could impact whether, and to what extent, these elections will be available in future years. The $10,000 SALT deduction cap is one of many provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act that is scheduled to expire at the end of 2025. We expect this to be an area of focus.

A Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund (QOF) has special rules regarding short- or long-term capital gains that may be helpful to understand. Under these rules, you may have 180 days from the date of realization to invest the gains in a QOF and defer (until the end of 2026) payment of taxes that would otherwise be due. These rules apply to gains realized either directly or indirectly (e.g., through a pass-through entity, such as a partnership).

If you own an interest or shares in a pass-through entity that realized gains early in 2024, the date of realization for that sale may have been December 31, 2024, or it could be March 15, 2025.4 Speak with your tax advisors to determine the relevant date of realization, and how to measure the 180-day period in your circumstances.

As a general rule, to avoid penalties, private non-operating foundations must distribute at least 5% of their assets annually to public charities. However, if needed, you may be able to use a 12-month grace period to make distributions.

Thus, a private foundation with a December 31 fiscal year that is determined to have $1 million of assets – and therefore a minimum distribution requirement of $50,000 as of December 31, 2024 – would have until December 31, 2025, to distribute that $50,000. A donor-advised fund (DAF) can be the recipient of the required distribution amount.

Check with your tax advisors to see what your private foundation’s final deadline for these distributions may be if the foundation requires more time. 

Confirm your plan to fund tax payments

While tax returns are often filed on extension, tax payments must, in all but the rarest of circumstances, be made by the mid-April deadline.

6. Borrow – or sell select holdings

Borrowing against your portfolio of marketable securities can be a handy solution, especially if you expect an influx of cash in the relatively near future. The associated costs of borrowing, even at higher interest rates, may be outweighed by other considerations, such as not having to sell securities or other assets you’d prefer to keep.

You can’t deduct the interest on funds you borrow to pay taxes, but you can deduct the interest if you’re borrowing to invest, to the extent of net investment income. So you might want to borrow to invest and deduct the interest paid on those borrowings – meanwhile using cash from other sources to pay your taxes.

If you don’t want to borrow, review your holdings. If your portfolio has both unrealized gains and losses, consider selling holdings that would produce no net capital gains, and then use the proceeds to pay the taxes due.

Plan for 2025’s changing tax landscape

There are some issues and opportunities particular to this year that you may want to consider as soon as possible:

In 2025, you can contribute $23,500 to your 401(k) account if you are under age 50, $31,000 if you are 50 or older, or $34,750 if age 60–635 at any time during the calendar year.6 Also: The combined amount your employer and you can contribute has risen to $70,000, $77,500 or $81,250, respectively, depending on your age.

Further, a law enacted at the end of 2022 allows employees to designate an employer’s matching contributions as Roth IRA contributions – as long as their employer plan offers a Roth option, and the employee is 100% vested in any employer contributions. 

It is important to note that employer contributions designated as Roth are treated as income and reported on Form 1099-R. Also, since payroll taxes are not withheld from these contributions, be sure that the withholdings from your pay are properly calibrated to account for these changes.

These figures also apply to self-employed defined contribution accounts. One relatively new option for SEP and SIMPLE IRAs: You can designate up to 100% of your contribution to a Roth account. This is significant, given the higher contribution limits for these plans.

In addition, if you’ll have a bonus (or other performance-based compensation) to set aside in a deferred compensation account, you may have only until June 30 to do so. Check with your employer to confirm your deadlines to make elections and to identify the maximum you might defer under the plan. Then, based on your cash flow needs now and in the future, you can decide the appropriate amount to defer.

Required minimum distributions (RMDs): The mandatory starting age is 73. Generally, RMDs must be taken by December 31, but if you turn 73 in 2025, you are not required to take your first RMD until April 1, 2026. Any subsequent RMDs must be taken by December 31.

Remember, Roth IRAs are not subject to the RMD rules during the owner’s lifetime, and thanks to a change in law effective in 2024, designated Roth accounts in a 401(k) plan (and certain other qualified plans) are not subject to the RMD rules while the owner is still alive. 

RMD rules are based on two factors: your age and the balances in your tax-deferred accounts on December 31 of the previous year. We think it’s generally a good idea to wait until the end of the year to take RMDs because asset values tend to rise. (Always check with your financial and tax advisors to plan for when you must and should take your RMDs.) 

Qualified charitable distributions (QCDs): Before taking your RMD this year, decide whether you want to make a QCD from your IRA to a public charity. Individuals are eligible to make QCDs when they turn 70½. This amount is inflation-adjusted, and has increased from $105,000 last year, to $108,000 for 2025. A QCD counts toward the RMD amount. (Taxpayers can make a one-time election to contribute $54,000 of a QCD to charitable remainder trusts or charitable gift annuities.) And unlike the rest of an RMD, the QCD amount is excluded from your gross income.

But please note: You can’t claim a QCD as a charitable deduction on your income taxes. Also, the QCD cannot be made to a donor-advised fund (DAF) or any kind of private foundation

Finally, if you own low-basis public securities in a taxable account and plan to donate only a limited amount to charity, you might be better off donating those securities to charity instead of donating via a QCD. 

Following the equity market rally in 2024, you likely hold some assets at a gain. As noted, it is extremely tax-wise to donate public equities, in kind, to a public charity – or to a DAF, private operating foundation or private non-operating foundation. Here’s why: In addition to receiving a deduction based on the fair market value of the donated stock, you also avoid tax on the equities’ unrealized gains.

But beware: Make sure you’ve held the donated stock, unhedged, for more than one year. The holding period may be longer if the securities were received in connection with services performed as a partner for certain profits interests (e.g., at a hedge fund, venture capital or private equity fund). 

Also be sure the financial firm holding your shares donates the correct lot, and if that lot has ever been transferred from another firm, that the basis and holding period information is replicated correctly by the new firm.

Review both your actual 2024 and anticipated 2025 tax bills to determine your minimum necessary quarterly estimated payments for this year.

If you expect substantially greater income in 2025 than 2024, you may want to rely on the actual payments you made in 2024 to determine the estimated payments you make this year. This is because the law allows taxpayers to make estimated payments during the course of the year, interest- and penalty-free, up to whichever is less: 110% of the prior year’s taxes, or 90% of the current year’s taxes.

Thanks to this rule, you can keep more of your pre-tax income until the tax filing deadline in April 2026 and invest that income safely – such as in U.S. Treasuries maturing by next April.

Many taxpayers have relocated in recent years, and taxes have been a consideration in some of those moves. It requires a great deal of planning (and sometimes triggers headaches!) to establish domicile in the state where you have moved. Ask your J.P. Morgan team for a copy of our Changing Domicile Checklist.

Also: It may be easier to switch the situs of a trust you’ve created, so review those as well. A trust governed by one state’s laws for administrative purposes may be subject to tax by a different state based on a number of factors, including the residence of the grantor and/or current trustees.

Consider making annual exclusion gifts (up to $19,000 per donor, per recipient) early in the year so that any growth on these assets over the course of the year occurs off your balance sheet.

Consider implementing a systematic program for harvesting capital losses for your securities portfolios. Doing so might help you take advantage of any market downturns while avoiding the wash sale rules so adverse to taxpayers – and to bank those losses to offset capital gains – those already realized, or those you expect in the future.7

While you’re reviewing your portfolio with an eye to harvesting losses, be sure to evaluate the tax efficiency of your holdings across all of your family’s accounts, including IRAs and trusts. Asset location can be as important as asset allocation to wealth growth and preservation. A key contributor to growing family wealth over time is making sure the proper assets are placed in the proper accounts: where possible, we recommend having tax-deferred accounts hold tax-inefficient assets, and taxable accounts hold tax-efficient assets.

Watching legislative changes

As you consider actions to potentially reduce your tax liabilities, we continue to monitor both enacted and potential tax law changes, federal and state.

At the federal level, Congress will attempt to address the scheduled expiration of many provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) at the end of 2025. With Republicans in control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, they will have the ability to address the TCJA and other tax policies through the “budget reconciliation” process.8

Making all of the TCJA’s expiring provisions permanent might be difficult, given Republicans’ slim majority control and today’s high projected deficits, which could prompt lawmakers to take a measured approach to tax policy. Nevertheless, the extension of many, if not most, of the expiring TCJA provisions are expected to be the cornerstone of any new law.

You should also be mindful of tax changes that could happen at the state level. For example, the states could change their tax rates—and many did as of January 1, 2025.

We can help

There are many options you may consider for your 2024 taxes, and to prepare for 2025 and beyond. Your J.P. Morgan advisor can work with your tax advisors to help decide which options are best suited for you.



The maximum a taxpayer may contribute directly to a Roth IRA is reduced, potentially to $0, if their modified adjusted gross income is above certain thresholds. In addition, for all growth and distributions to be tax-free, taxpayers must meet certain requirements. See www.irs.gov for details based on your specific tax filing status.


The top rate of 37% would apply to 2024 income in excess of $15,200 accumulated by a non-grantor trust. By contrast, the top 37% rate is reached by married taxpayers filing jointly only once income exceeds $731,200.


IRS Notice 2020-75.


The date of realization for that sale may be deemed to be either the end of the partnership’s tax year, generally December 31, or the year-end partnership tax filing due date, which is March 15.


The SECURE Act 2.0 applies a higher catch-up contribution limit for employes age 60–63. This option is effective as of January 1, 2025, for plans that elect to adopt it.




The wash sale rule states, in essence, that a loss will be disallowed if a taxpayer sells a security at a loss and acquires the same or a substantially identical security (or an option on such security) 30 days before or after the date the loss was realized. The disallowed loss would be added to the cost basis of the substantially identical acquired security and generally recognized when the position is later sold, and the holding period of the lot sold at a loss is also added to the holding period of the securities acquired.


Generally, the budget reconciliation process allows the controlling party to pass legislation with mere majorities in the House and the Senate, instead of requiring a “super majority” of 60 votes to pass legislation in the Senate. 

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