Side note:

Birds chirping. Euphoric music plays.

Text on screen:

In 2024, the Regional Homelessness Authority's Point-in-Time Count reported that over 16,000 people were unsheltered on any given day in King County. The largest number ever reported.

On screen:

Now, a succession of announcers speak to us over a montage showing numerous homeless encampments in Seattle:
 - under bridges;
 - in vacant lots;
 - in parks;
 - and on city streets.

Vince Toye:

Seattle is like most cities in the United States; there's just a complete shortage of affordable housing.

Nicole Macri:

Now for people who are homeless, who have significant challenges in their lives, not only do they need housing, but they need support.

Timothy Jolliff:

These are our people, and we need to have more of a sense of ownership. We have a duty to do better by them.

Side note:

Upbeat music plays.

On screen:

An aerial view shows the Hobson Place DESC building, about the size of a city block, in a residential neighborhood. Then, a woman with shoulder-length brown hair and glasses speaks to us from an office.

Text on screen:

Nicole Macri, Deputy Director for Strategy, DESC.

Nicole Macri:

The Downtown Emergency Service Center (or DESC) exists to help people be able to achieve their highest level of health and wellbeing. Hobson Place is the culmination of dreaming about bringing all the pieces that people need, all in one place.

On screen:

A montage shows different areas of the DESC building, including:
 - a large outside sign reading "Hobson Place";
 - a window-sized mural of a hummingbird;
 - an outdoor plaza with seats and small trees;
 - and the inside of a health center with a large sign reading: "The Clinic at Hobson Place."

A bald man wearing a gray blazer speaks to us from an office.

Text on screen:

Vince Toye, Head of Community Development Banking, JPMorgan Chase.

Vince Toye:

For Hobson Place, JPMorgan Chase provided the construction financing, purchased the low-income housing tax credits, and purchased the New Market Tax Credits. All three of these together allow the affordable housing and the clinic to be built as one project together.

On screen:

A montage shows:
 - the DESC building, under construction;
 - a small bedroom inside an apartment;
 - the Clinic at Hobson Place's Premera Blue Cross Waiting Area;
 - and a woman wearing a tool belt and a shirt with the words "Housing is a Human Right."

Nicole Macri:

The ability to build this resource would not have been possible without the partnership of JPMorgan Chase.

On screen:

Ms. Macri and Mr. Toye:
 - stand outside the Clinic at Hobson Place;
 - and meet with a manager of the Harborview Medical Center.

Nicole Macri:

And we see the results today of the tremendous care that we could provide to people in our community.

On screen:

A smiling woman with short hair and wearing a gray sweater stands outside the modern Hobson Place DESC. Then, that woman speaks to us from an office building.

Text on screen:

Stephanie, Resident, Hobson Place.


Before moving to Hobson Place, I was homeless, I lived at the shelter. Prior to that, I was homeless on the streets. I like the idea that we have a clinic, to know that we have doctors and nurses on hand for us if we need them at any given time.

On screen:

A montage shows Stephanie at an outdoor plaza, speaking with a manager of the Harborview Medical Center. Then that manager, a woman with blonde hair, green eyes (and wearing a shirt marked "UW Medicine") speaks to us from an office.

Text on screen:

Cricket McCleary, Clinic Manager, Harborview Medical Center.

Cricket McCleary:

This is Harborview's first venture, embedding a primary care clinic within a permanent supportive housing site and I think it's really a new model.

On screen:

Ms. Macri and Mr. Toye speak with one another as they walk through a hallway at the Clinic at Hobson Place. Then a bearded man wearing a polo shirt speaks to us from an office.

Text on screen:

Timothy Jolliff, Director of Outpatient Behavioral Health, DESC.

Timothy Jolliff:

We are really trying to strive to meet people where they're at in any given point in their recovery and also providing an array of wraparound intensive services.

On screen:

A man with short brown hair and a white dress shirt speaks to us from an office.

Text on screen:

Drew Duplantis, Hobson Clinic Manager, DESC.

Drew Duplantis:

Mental health case management services, intensive case management, substance use disorder counselors, employment specialists, and peers.

On screen:

A montage shows case managers working with community members, one-on-one in consult rooms, and in groups at spacious DESC offices.

Cricket McCleary:

It's really magical to see these teams collaborating to care for these folks.

On screen:

Mr. Toye speaks from his office:

Vince Toye:

They do the work that's hard. It's a labor of love. I'm fortunate to work for a place like JPMorgan Chase who sees that as part of our mission.

On screen:

Mr. Toye, Ms. Macri and Ms. McCleary smile, standing in an outdoor plaza.

Drew Duplantis:

I think that we're on the right path to changing the way we administer community mental health. I hope that DESC is able to replicate this model on a larger scale.

Side note:

Hopeful music plays.

On screen:

A montage shows the Hobson Place DESC building with the Seattle skyline in the distance.

Nicole Macri:

My vision for the future is everyone has access to home. What people need they're able to get, to live the life that they want.

On screen:

In her comfortable apartment, Stephanie stirs a pan in her kitchen. She pets her little brown short-haired dog. Then, Stephanie speaks from an office:


I have good thoughts about my future. Permanent housing to me means I don't have to move anymore. I have three grandchildren and I have a beautiful daughter, and I am looking forward to seeing them on a regular basis.

On screen:

Stephanie stands outside her apartment, smiling widely.

 - J.P. Morgan;
 - Chase;
 - the Chase octagon symbol;
 - (and) Equal Housing Lender.

Side note:

Legal disclosures:

Text on screen:

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For people without stable housing who are living with challenges such as mental illnesses, chronic health conditions and substance use disorders, navigating a complex network of service providers across a city can be a major hurdle to getting help.

At Hobson Place, a permanent supportive housing community in Seattle, help is literally next door. 

The project, completed in 2022, is the first of Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC)’s 16 supportive housing communities to integrate affordable housing with a comprehensive healthcare clinic and other support services. 

For decades, DESC has served people who have experienced long-term homelessness, often have severe medical and behavioral health needs and aren’t able to access traditional healthcare settings or housing. 

“Co-locating healthcare services and supportive housing provides this full web of support around people who really need it the most and who benefit the most from having all the pieces in one place,” said Nicole Macri, DESC’s Deputy Director for Strategy. 

In collaboration with Harborview Medical Center, the clinic serves residents at the 177-unit Hobson Place and community members who are unhoused and face barriers to accessing healthcare. 

Innovative financing for an innovative project

DESC knew financing such a complex project would be a challenge. 

“Creating a healthcare clinic is expensive for any provider, but when you're committed to serving people with extremely low incomes, people who are unhoused, people who don't fit the traditional model of receiving healthcare, we knew that we were going to need a strong team to make this happen,” Macri said. 

JPMorgan Chase Community Development Banking created a plan to help bring Hobson Place to life with three types of financing: 

  • $28.8 million via two construction loans for Hobson Place 
  • $36.2 million Low-Income Housing Tax Credit investment for residents earning up to 60% of the area median income
  • $5.1 million New Markets Tax Credit investment to help fund the clinic’s development

“Having Hobson Place here is critical to help support the needs of the community’s unhoused residents and the community overall,” said Vince Toye, Head of Community Development Banking for JPMorgan Chase. “Projects like this are very important to us because we think about every aspect of the community, all the folks who live there, whether they bank with us or not.” 

Comprehensive care and support 

Hobson Place’s clinic offers residents and community members voluntary services including: 

  • Primary healthcare
  • Mental and behavioral health services
  • Substance use counseling
  • Employment support
  • Access to people who can help with social services, legal needs and more

“I like to know that we have doctors and nurses on hand for us if we need them at any given time,” said Stephanie, a resident of Hobson Place since 2021. 

Stephanie lived at a shelter before moving to Hobson Place, but now has a mental health case manager, therapeutic counselor and a community. 

“We’re all close here, and feel like one family,” she said. 


Supportive housing apartments at Hobson Place


Patients Hobson Place’s clinic will serve each year


Patient visits annually

Cricket McCleary, who manages Harborview Medical Center’s downtown Seattle primary care clinics, said she’s already seen Hobson Place’s approach help patients improve their health.

“I think this model is going to be the way of the future for caring for some of the most vulnerable members of our community,” she said. “Our healthcare system can be difficult for just about anybody to navigate, especially when they’re sick or vulnerable.”  

Integrated support drives impact

At DESC, a resident’s doctor can work side by side with their mental health case manager, substance use counselor and employment specialist. When those providers work in silos, it can be difficult to coordinate care and make sure people get the help they need, said Drew Duplantis, Hobson Place’s clinic manager. 

“We get better outcomes for folks when they’re able to go to one place and get a lot of their needs met,” he said. 

Seattle needs more affordable and supportive housing. On any given night in surrounding King County, more than 16,000 people are estimated to experience homelessness, according to a 2024 Point-in-Time count

DESC already has additional developments in the works. 

“The need is still there in the community,” Duplantis said. “Hopefully, we can show that this is working for our patients, it's bettering the community, and we can start doing more like this in the future.”

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. Visit for disclosures and disclaimers related to this content. 

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