Filippo Gori

“Moving forward, together” — the firm’s theme for Women’s History Month this year, underpins our commitment to creating greater economic equity for women, both at JPMorgan Chase and in the communities where we live and work. In the U.K., one of the ways we are realizing this commitment is by undertaking efforts aimed at narrowing the firm’s gender pay gap.

On nearly all measures detailed in the newly released U.K. Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023, the gap has narrowed year-over-year and the representation of women at the firm in the U.K. has increased. As of December 2023, women represent 41% of the workforce across EMEA, 49% globally and 41% of our Operating Committee. The representation of women in senior roles in the U.K. also rose to 29.5% in February 2024, the highest level since we signed the U.K. Women in Finance Charter in 2018.

Our leaders remain committed to investing in the recruitment, advancement and retention of women at all levels and particularly at senior levels, which is critical to narrowing the gap. Executing on our objectives requires promoting accountability across the firm, including driving change from the top through the global Accountability Framework. The framework holds senior leaders accountable for adopting practices and engaging in behaviors that build and foster more inclusive work environment, both within their businesses and across the firm.

With these measures and an extensive range of initiatives in place to support the professional and personal growth of women at the firm, we will keep moving in the right direction.


Filippo Gori, EMEA CEO

Filippo Gori Signature

Gender Pay Gap Report – U.K. Overall*



Quartiles Female Male
Low Quartile 51.3% 48.7%
Low to Median 41.1% 58.9%
Median to High 35.1% 64.9%
High Quartile 26.9% 73.1%
Pay Gaps Median Mean
Hourly Pay 18.6% 26.1%
Bonus Pay 38.3% 52.6%
  Female Male
% Employees Received Bonus 89.0% 90.4%

*U.K. overall figures include all U.K. legal entities, including those with fewer than 250 employees.

The following are some key findings on our overall U.K. figures:

  • Our median hourly pay gap has narrowed by -1.2% from 19.8% to 18.6%
  • Our mean hourly pay gap has narrowed by -1.5% from 27.6% to 26.1%
  • The representation of women in all pay quartiles has increased year over year

U.K. Women in Finance Charter: Our Pledge

At JPMorgan Chase, we strongly believe that a diverse and inclusive work environment is critical to our success — and it includes a commitment to gender diversity, equity and inclusion. Women represent 49% of our global workforce and 47% of our firm's Operating Committee. We know there is more work to be done to increase the number of women in senior positions. We are focused on supporting and developing women at all levels, and we expect our managers and leaders across the firm to help us drive progress. While we recognize that meaningful change will take time, we are committed to continuing our efforts to engage and empower women. To build on our commitment we are pleased to have signed the UK Women in Finance Charter and set a target to achieve 30% women in UK located roles at our top two levels (Managing Director and Executive Director) by December 2025.

When we signed up to the Charter in June 2018 we had 24.4% female representation. As of June 2024 we had 29.3% female representation in senior management, this is a 0.5% increase from the same time in 2023. We believe we are on track to meet our Charter target of 30% by our deadline of December 2025.