請注意所公布之摩根大通銀行(下稱"本行")台北分行財務報表尚未經查核簽證,且該報表係依中華 民國一般公認會計原則編製。財務報表內容僅及於本行台北分行本身,不代表本行或其母公司–摩 根大通公司–之合併報表。由於其中資產負債表、損益表及其他文件與財務資訊尚未經查核簽證,本行以及其關係企業不保證其正確性及完整性,並不為任何錯誤或疏漏負任何責任。
Please note that the financial statements for the Taipei Branch of JPMorganChase Bank, N.A. (the "Bank") contained herein are unaudited statements. Such statements have been prepared in accordance with ROC GAAP. The statements contain information solely with respect to the Taipei Branch of the Bank and are not representative of the consolidated position of the Bank or its parent company, JPMorganChase & Co. As these balance sheets, income statements and other documents and financial information are not audited, no warranty of accuracy or completeness is given and no liability in respect of any errors or omissions, including any third party liability, is accepted by the Bank or any of its affiliates.