Commercial Card

Corporate Card

Increase purchasing oversight, reduce costs and streamline your payments process.

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Corporate card
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Corporate Card

Streamline company travel expenses

J.P. Morgan Corporate Card provides an integrated, configurable travel and entertainment expense (T&E) solution for your organization with broad acceptability and reliability for cardholders.

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Tools for effective program management

Gain greater transparency

Leverage customizable reports to give you visibility into spend and gain actionable insights.

Automate processes

Automate administrative functions, simplify cardholder tasks and streamline account reconciliation.

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Support for administrators and cardholders

Dedicated resources for program setup

Our dedicated onboarding team works side by side with your team during program implementation.

Administrator training and support

Support doesn’t end with implementation. We offer ongoing training for program administrators, including weekly and monthly webinars.

Hear from our clients

Driving commercial card program success

When you begin a Corporate Card program with us, we’ll dive deep into program design, push hard on control measures and sweat the details to help you achieve your goals. Even if you have an existing program, our industry experts can offer a fresh look at your goals and help you deliver stronger results.


Our consultative, tailored approach can help you determine the best setup for your organization’s specific needs.


Our team does the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. We’ll dig into program configuration details, including systems integration and reporting.


Before the program goes live, benefit from training, communications templates and best practices to share across your company.


A Payments win-win for a supplier and their buyers

March 22, 2023

Construction company Ricon sought a streamlined way to move from accepting paper checks to electronic payments. Despite a lack of experience with digital payments, the company was able to implement a successful virtual card platform—and reap the benefits of faster payments and improved cash flow.

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Companies can benefit from corporate card programs’ extended working capital, improved operational efficiencies, and expense and fraud controls. 

Corporate cards are not just for the largest companies. Eligibility for a corporate card depends on a company’s organizational structure, as well as its revenue, spending and employee card needs. Contact us and we’ll help determine the right solution for your business. 

Corporate cards are ideal for businesses looking to simplify their T&E expenses. Corporate cards can improve your organization's performance by increasing your purchasing oversight, helping to reduce costs and streamlining your payment process.

Businesses may be solely responsible for corporate cards or may involve individual or joint liability with employees. J.P. Morgan offers corporate liability on our commercial card products, not individual or joint liability. 

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